The National Organization of Immigrant and Visible Minority Women of Canada

by Carmencita R. Hernandez

The National Organization of Immigrant and Visible Minority Women of Canada (NOIVMWC) is the fruit of more than ten years of hard work on the part of immigrant and visible minority women's groups to obtain changes in legislation and policies to improve the status of their constituencies. It was formed out of a need for a national voice to address issues of language training, employment, immigration, and health and social services, racism and the status of women.

The mandate given by the membership includes the following goals: to achieve social, political and economic quality for immigrant and visible minority women; to form a united national voice, meet and liaise with other women's groups; to fight sexism, racism, poverty, isolation and violence.

The efforts of immigrant and visible minority women's groups over the last ten years have been taking root in various communities. The main areas of concerns center around language training, employment and training, health and social services, immigration, funding and the status of women.

One of the main concerns of NOFVMWC is to press for readily available English or French language training for immigrant and visible minority women. It will also lobby for improvement in immigration law, health and social services for its constituencies. "Without sufficient training, many women are trapped and isolated in their homes. Often they are even unable to call an ambulance if a child becomes ill. These women are confined to poorly paid jobs and loneliness," states Patsy George, Vice-President for the Western region.

Within the two-year mandate given by the general membership of the Board, the following committees were formed: Language, Immigration; Status of Women; Racism; Employment; Funding, and Health and Social Services.

The NOFVMWC executive members are:

President: Betty Lee, 101 Charing Crescent, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 4R7 Canada Tel.: (506) 454-1821
Secretary: Lillian Ma, 139 Walmer Road, Toronto, Ontario M5R 2X8 Canada Tel.: (416) 926-1927

Treasurer: Leti La Rosa, 10 Shell Ct., Charlottetown, Canada