Isis International - Manila Board of Trustees:

La Rainne Abad Sarmiento, Marilee Karl, Noeleen Heyzer, Sr. Mary John Mananzan, Ana Maria R. Nemenzo, Lucia Pavia Ticzon, Maria Villariba.

Isis International - Manila Coordinators:

La Rainne Abad Sarmiento, Marilee Karl, Lucia Pavia Ticzon.

Isis International Associates:

Isis international has a group of Associates, women from different parts of the world who support our aims, give advice and collaborate in our programs.

Our current Associates are:

Anita Anond, India; Peggy Antrobus, Barbados; Marie Assaad, Egypt; Judith Astelloro, Spain; Suzanne Aurelius, Chile; Brigolio Bom, South Africa; Nita Barrow, Barbados; Jessie Bernard, USA; Rekha Bezboruah, India; Komlo Bhasin, India; Adelia Borges, Brazil; Boston Women's Health Collective, USA; Elise Boulding, USA; Charlotte Bunch, USA; Ximena Bunster, Chile; Ah Fong Chung, Mauritius; Giuseppina Dante, Italy; Miranda Dovies, U.K.; Corinne Kumar D'Souza, India; Elisabeth Eie, Norway; Akke van Eijden, the Netherlands; Mogdo Enriquez, Nicaragua; Foo Goik Sim, Malaysia; Maria Girardet, Italy; Soralee Hamilton, USA; Karin Himmelstrand, Sweden, Devoki Jain, India; Kumori Jayawordena, Sri Lanka; Annette Kaiser, Switzerland; Nighat Khan, Pakistan; Geertje Lycklomo, the Netherlands; Giovonno Meroio, Venezuela; Robin Morgan, USA; Vivian Mota, Dominican Republic; Magaly Pineda, Dominican Republic; Ana Maria Portugal, Peru; Rhode Reddock, Trinidad and Tobago; Luz Helena Sanchez, Colombia; Olgo Amporo Sanchez, Colombia; Adriana Santa Cruz, Chile; Marie-Angelique Savane, Senegal; Else Skonsberg, Norway; Cecilia Torres, Ecuador; Moema Viezzer, Brazil.

Founders of Isis International: Jane Cottingham and Marilee Karl.

Isis International
85-A East Maya Street
Philamlife Homes, Quezon City
Tel: (632) 997512;993292;996343

Fax; (632) 997512 (Manila Office hours only)

Commercial Fax: Attn. ISISINTMNL

(632) 815-07-56; 817-97-42;921 -26-90

E-Mail Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Isis internacional
Casilla 2067- Correo Central
Santiago, Chille
Tel: (562) 633 45 82

Fax:(562) 638 31 42

E-Mail Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Isis International is an international non-govemmental women's organization, founded in 1974 to promote the empowerment of women through information sharing, communication and networking. Its network reaches over 50,000 individuals and organizations in 150 countries, from grassroots groups to policy makers. Isis international's activities include resource centers and information sharing, publications and communications, health networking, advocacy of women's issues and skills sharing. It has two offices, one in Santiago, Chile and the other in Manila, Philippines.

Isis International Resource Centers

The Resource Center of each office houses a collection of documentation and information from all over the world on a wide range of development and women's issues. This information is processed by the Resource Center and Information Program of each office and incorporated into bibliographic, human resources and data bases. It is made available to all interested groups, institutions and individuals through information services and specialized publications including resource directories, bibliographic catalogues and publications on specific themes. The Resource Centers are also open to visitors.

Regular Resource Center publications include the bilingual Base de Dates Mujer - Women's Data Base and Documentas, a bibliographic bulletin in Spanish, from our office in Chile and Resource Update, a bibliographic bulletin and Information Packs on key issues, in English from our office in the Philippines.

Isis International Publications

The Communication Networking Program of each office publishes a quarterly magazine: Mujeres en Accion, in Spanish, from our office in Chile and Women in Action, in English, from our office in the Philippines. These publications bring together information, analyses and perspectives about and from women around the world and serve as communication channels for sharing ideas, experiences and models of organization and action. Books on key issues are published twice a year in Spanish through the Isis Internacional Ediciones de las Mujeres in Chile and on an occasional basis in English through the Isis International Book Series in the Philippines. The Women's Health Journal in English is published by the Health Networking Program of our office in Chile with the collaboration of the office in the Philippines. The office in Chile also publishes the Spanish language Revista de la RedSalud de las Mujeres Latino Americanos y del Caribe. Women Envision, a monthly newsletter in English is published by the Advocacy and Campaigns Program in our office in the Philippines. It contains information on activities leading up to the World Conference and NGO Forum in China 1995 and other international meetings and campaigns.

Health Networking

The Health Networking Program of our office in Chile coordinates the Latin American and Caribbean Women's Health Network while the office in the Philippines undertakes health networking activities in the Asia-Pacific Region. Both offices offer health information services and resource materials.

Advocacy, Campaigns and Policy

Our office in Chile coordinates the Information and Policy Program on Violence Against Women in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Advocacy and Campaigns Program of the office in the Philippines produces Action Alerts on campaigns, actions and solidarity appeals of women's groups and networks around the world.

Networking Service

Both offices offer referral and assistance to individuals and organizations, locally and internationally in linking with others around the world.


Both offices offer technical assistance and training in communication and information management and in the use of new information technologies.

Isis International Acknowledges the support and the financial assistance of the following partner donor organizations: Australian Council of Churches, GEBEMO, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Christian Aid (U.K.), Commission on Interchurch Aid of the Netherlands Reformed Church, Danish Ministry for Development Cooperation (DANIDA), Evangelisches Missionwerk (Germany), Foundation for a Compassionate Society (USA), ICCO, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (USA), Netherlands Ministry of Development Cooperation , UNIFEM (USA), Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (USA).