She is no blood-relation
nor a far-off cousin
She is neither an aunt nor lover
She is just a plain best friend.
She is not rich
She is no royal
She is no top-class cat
But she is so loyal.
She is the pillar to lean on
When things go wrong
She is the partner to jump with
When things go well.
She is the person you need
When you have something to tell
She is the person who makes
an evening-out complete.
She is the person to dissect with,
a book or play
She is the person you call
to watch TV.
She is the person you share the shower with,
without inhibition or shame
She is the person who will plait your hair
every Sunday afternoon.
She is the first to know you fall
in love
She is the one to run to
When a love affair runs sour.
She is the person who
stands in for you
When you told a lie at home
And agrees with you
how unreasonable parents are.
She is the one who knows
all your inner secrets
and would never volunteer t
hem to someone
or threaten to tell.
She is the one who accepts
when you are not calling for a while
because you have found a new lover
And will secretly hope
that it works out for better this time.
She is the one who will be there
when you get married
And assure you
that you are making the right move.
She will be there when
you get your first baby
She will be around until it is old
enough to call her aunt.
She will be there
when you are both grey-haired and bent-over.
You will share with her old memories
Sometimes without uttering a word.
Because by then you won't need
words to communicate,
Because you would have been
The best of women friends.
Source: Sister Namibia, Vol. 4, No. 1 1992, Sister Collective, P.O. Box 60100, Katutura 9000 Namibia.