A Norweigian organiser of sex tours to Thailand has sued the local Women's Front for Violating his feeling of honour' (among other charges).

In a highly-ironic legal and press battle, Mr Ivar Larsen, proprietor of the ScanThai Travellers Club, has demanded financial compensation for the 'prosecution' of himself and his business by three women of the Norweigan Anti-Porno movement.

The women, on the other hand are appealing to the Minister of Justice to take action against this form of organised prostitution which 'amounts to a participation in the rape of the poor women and children of Thailand.'

The Scan-Thai Travellers' Club is one of the growing numbers of organisations in Northern Europe and Japan which facilitate the invasion of countries such as Thailand, the Philippines, Korea and Brazil by men who have problems in satisfying their sexual desires in their own countries.

Its brochure , written in a netral guide -book style, provides comprehensive information on the prostitution scene in Thailand, including lists of brothels and massage parlours, prices, tips on the handling of venereal diseases, how to procure drugs, etc.

The section on Venereal Diseases, for instance, gives an excellent insight into the whole business:

"Venereal Diseases are, in proportion to the circumstances, not widespread. Girls working in bars, massage-parlours, etc. are tested usually once a week. You get the impression that the girls know a lot about VD, and their symptoms and try to avoid catching VD. The author has never come upon any use of condoms. Girls you meet at coffee shops present a larger risk as they don't necessarily have to get tested regularly.

"Gonorhea exists in different types. Penicillin is sold freely and in may cases people with little money won't consult a doctor, but buy tablets to cure themselves... Expenses with VI) has to be paid cash (many doctors and clinics accept credit cards) but are refunded by your travel insurance or by the Health Insurance at home.

"Syfilis can occur, but is seldom. After a stay in Thailand, you should absolutely have a blood test taken, to find out if you have caught syfilis...

"There is a large number of doctors specialised in YD. Some are open until midnight. If you meet a girl on the street or at a coffee-shop, it's a good rule to go to a doctor to get her tested on the way home. It won't be reacted to..."

The horror which the Women's Movement expressed when they learnt of this club's activities has been greeted with great public indignation on the part of Mr. Larsen. Lawsuit has followed lawsuit, as he sought to get the legal establishment to support his right to conduct this business without hindrance from what he described as 'equal rights fanatics'.

In one of his several letters to the newspapers on the subject, he stated, "Men's deepest instincts are to admire and protect women. To compete with women is totally in violation of nature.

How can you discuss equal pay when women have a gold mine between their legs?"

The women's Front has kept up a constant attack against the existence of this club for over two years now. They have held demonstrations at the airport when members of the club leave for Thailand, they have held demonstrations on March 8 and they have been raising the matter with the Ministry for Justice.

Mr Larsen has retaliated in the press:

"I understand only too well the anger of these women activists," he wrote in one of his letters to the editor, "A man passed 40 has an excellent chance to start a new life, that is if he can peep outside our narrow culture. Some of us have obtained quite a lot of experience even though one has become a bit plump around the belly. A woman that has passed 40 has hardly got the same opportunity. Women are most attractive in younger age, and that is just life, really. When I started the Scan-Thai Travellers Club, it must have seemed almost as a declaration of war to these women activists. It wouldn't help them much to mobilise lesbian women as 'spears against the traditional famil/ if single men realised that they could bring home much younger and kinder wives from the East."

Two lawsuits which he brought against the Women's Front have failed to give him any satisfaction. Now, he has instituted legal action against specific women who have written letters against his club. He is seeking convictions on the grounds that these women have behaved in a way that was 'harmful for the Scan-Thai Travellers Club's name and reputation and exposed the club to hate, disregard and loss of necessary trust and violated his personal feeling of honour.' He is asking for compensation amounting to 350,000 Norweigan Kroners.

The Women's Front see this trial as a very important one which will test the legality of such clubs in Norway. In a letter sent to Isis, they state:

There will be much publicity about the trial - which gives us an opportunity to give information about the life of prostitutes in Thailand - and about the women's struggle against it." They are asking concerned groups to write in their reactions to this issue, 'especially on the matters of racism, sexism, whether prostitution is slavery and the aspect of freedom from the side of the prostitutes'.

"We have actually called sex tourism rape from the side of the customers," the letter continues, "We have also raised the question of whether or not this kind of business is procuring.

"Siriporn Skrobanek from the Women's Information Centre will be our main witness in the trial in Tonsberg. In addition, it is important that we have statements from other concerned groups..."

These letters should be sent to :

Nina Kristiansen
Women's Front of Norway
Ostensjoveien 62
Boks 53 Bryn
0611 Oslo 6 Norway