CHETNA did Health Training SEWA

We are happy to see that your journal printed information about our work at SEWA. We are always glad to share and disseminate information about the struggles of poor women all over the world. We would be happy to share such information with you in the future also.

I am writing because we have made an important and unfortunate omission in our report on SEWA Health Team's Work. For our regular health trainings, we work very closely with CHETNA, an NGO concerned with training health workers and other grassroots level activists in community health and nutrition awareness. In fact, CHETNA were the main trainers and now are training and supporting our health workers to themselves become trainers.

The fact that we did not mention CHETNA's contribution in no way diminishes their role and importance to our work and was merely an unfortunate omission on our part. SEWA believes in involving and working together with various groups in the struggle for control over poor women's lives. We believe that everyone committed to justice and equality for poor women have a role to play in this struggle. We would like to continue to work with CHETNA and also with Isis in the future, and thus thought it best to acknowledge and rectify our error in the spirit of sisterhood and solidarity.

Mirai Chalterjee Coordinator, SEWA Health Team April 5, 1988

First Sex Tourism Case Won

First of all we would like to thank you for the coverage in the latest issue of Women in Action of the trials about sex tourism in Norway.

We have received letters of support because of your article, so we appreciate it very much. This case has already showed us the importance of international women's solidarity.

We won the first trial, which took place in June, the details you can read in the enclosed letter that we have sent out to the organizations that supported us.

Please note that we still have one trial to go, and that we are still in need of support.

Nina Kristiansen

Chairwoman Vie Women's Front of Norway September 4, 1988

May I Translate Women in Action?

Thank you for sending me your popular publication, Women in Action, free of charge. I went through all the pages of the issue No. 1/88 as I got it some weeks ago. I have been able to know a great deal on the situations and actions of women in different parts of the world. Many of my friends males as well as females have read it. I also suggested some of my female friends to write to you and exchange ideas on the problems of women in Nepal and abroad.

I have also kept contact with some publishers and editors of periodicals here at Kathmandu to publish articles of Women in Action. I told them that I can render free translation service (English to Nepal) if they publish it. I hope some will do it. Then, many more Nepalese readers (especially women) will be able to read it and get acquainted with the situations and actions of other women.

Though, myself a man, I can help a little may be, to spread your movement as it is justice loving people's movement.

Bimal Phnuyal Kathmandu, Nepal My 18, 1988

Editor: We are very pleased to have you carry our work further. Thank you.