European Health Conference

The Associacion Mujeres Para la Salud (AMS) is organizing a European Conference for women who are concerned with health issues from a feminist perspective which will be held m Madrid from July 22-25,1989.

The conference hopes to encourage the search for common objectives and the coordination among different groups that are engaged in health activities such as abortion, new reproductive technologies, DES and health networks.

The conference will provide an open forum for debates and workshops, according to the varying needs and priorities of the participants.

Four major areas are proposed:

  • Feminist Analysis and criticisms of health policies
  • Women's views about health issues
  • Experiences and activities
  • Common objectives and means of strengthening coordination and solidarity.

For further information, contact:

AMS Barquillo 44 2Izqda28005 Madrid, Spain


After the AMS Women's Health Conference, DES-Action will organize a meeting in Madrid as well on July 26 and 27. European DES contacts and those women who intend to become more active in and informed on European DES-Action activities are welcome.

The main aim of the meeting is: how to develop national plans in their own countries, using the experiences of women in other European counties and strengthen the European DES-network. In the AMS-conference, a workshop will be done, and the details focusing on skill sharing will be discussed in the DES-meeting. Those who intend to join this meeting are required to contact:

DES-Action, Maliesingel 46, 3581BM Utrecht The Netherlands Tel. 3130340472 Fax 3130312384

In Visible Colours

In Visible Colours will be the first major Canadian tribute to films and videos by women of colour and Third World women. It will take place in Vancouver, B.C., Canada on November 15-19,1989.

This festival will showcase the vital and exciting work by women of diverse cultures and perspectives. Accompanying forums and workshops will address the production, distribution, economic and aesthetic concerns of festival participants, who will include visiting film and video makers.

In Visible Colours urgently requests submissions of films and videos directed, written or produced by women of colour or Third World women. They are looking for the most recent production, of any length and in all categories: documentary, narrative, experimental, animation, etc. There is no entry fee. Artist fees will be paid.

In Visible Colours is sponsored by the National Film Board and Women in Focus. The aims of the event are:

  • To promote the exhibition, development and distribution of works on films and video by women of colour and Third World women.
  • To provide a valuable opportunity for women producers to come together, exchange ideas and share common concerns.
  • To foster support, understanding and appreciation of the work of women of colour and Third World women by increasing visibility and exposure

    to the general public, institutional policy and among ourselves.

For more information or entry forms, please contact:

Lorraine Chan or Zainub Verjee, Festival Coordinators, do National Film Board of Canada, 300-1045 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6Z2B1

International Women and Health Meeting in the Philippines, 1990


  1. To bring women together to share information, experiences, and strategies about reproductive rights and woman's health.
  2. To critically analyze the relationship between the international economic order, patriarchal systems, and women's health.
  3. To examine the impact of underdevelopment and foreign intervention on women's health, in order to develop appropriate action conducive to education and training for women.
  4. To develop and carry out strategies that promote global solidarity among women.
  5. To enlarge the women's movement in the Philippines.
  6. To strengthen and expand networks of women's health groups, especially in the Third World.
  7. To bring the influence of Asian women's perspective to the International Women and Health Meeting.
  8. To formulate a declaration at the Meeting that summarizes issues and demands, calling for appropriate action on the part of governments and international agencies.
  9. To manifest the solidarity of the international movement for women's health.
  10. Dedicate ourselves to the publication of the proceedings of the conference.

Subtopics of the Conference

A. Reproductive Rights

  1. Exchange information on statutes and the effects of government policy on women's reproductive rights.
  2. Exchange information and experience on the response of women's groups to these policies.

Proposed areas of discussion:

reproductive technology abortion breastfeeding alternative childbirth pro-natalist activities sexuality

B. Women's Health: The Impact of Underdevelopment and Foreign Intervention

  1. Exchange information and critically analyze the impact of underdevelopment and foreign intervention on women's health.
  2. Exchange information and experiences on the way in which women's groups have dealt with the effects of
    these factors. Proposed areas of discussion:

a. Women's health and underdevelopment

maternal mortality and morbidity women and primary health care environment and occupational hedth risks mental health health care and the older women family, concepts and structures

b. Women's health and foreign intervention

medicines militarization US bases, AIDS, nuclear arms tourism, traffic in women, mail-order brides

C. Strengthen Women's Organizations

  1. Exchange information and experience about how to reinforce and develop networks among health groups at the national, regional and international level;
  2. Propose strategies and concrete actions to attain global solidarity for women's health and reproductive rights.

Proposed areas of discussion:

violence against women (rape, domestic violence, incest, prostitution, pornography) alternative health and assistance programs for women global sisterhood, international campaigns.

For more information, contact: GABRIELA, P.O. Box 4386, Manila, Philippines

Dear Friends:

Greetings from the Philippines!

It is a pleasure to inform you that the Sixth International Women and Health Meeting will take place in the Philippines in 1990.

The International Women and Health Meeting is a large meeting of women from all over the world to discuss issues of health and reproductive rights that confront women globally. In the past, five meetings have taken place in different countries: Rome, 1977; Hannover, 1980; Geneva, 1981; Amsterdam, 1984; and Costa Rica, 1987.

During the Fifth Meeting in Costa Rica, the Philippines was chosen as the site of the 1990 Meeting. Since this means a large meeting we are expecting more than 400 women. GABRIELA, which attended the meeting in Costa Rica, invited various women's groups to join to form the Philippine Organizing Committee (POC). Subsequently, they formed the committee which consists of these seven organizations: Center for Women's Resources (CWR), GABRIELA, KABAPA, PILIPINA, SAMAKANA, Woman Health Philippines, and Women's Resources and Research Center (WRRC). Woman Health Philippines was designated as the secretariat of the 1990 International Women and Health Meeting.

The Committee of Invitations and Development of the Network of the International Women and Health Meeting in the Philippines is in the process of making a list of participants to invite to the 1990 Meeting. To this end, we request that you send a list of women who you can recommend to the Invitation and Development Committee so that we can determine the criteria of selection and the number of participants.

Nelia Sancho

Committee of Invitation and Development