On behalf of rural women

Dear friends.


We receive copies of Women in Action. Congratulations on behalf of rural women from the Rural Women's Liberation Movement for coming up with successful issues. We will use the articles in our meeting and also translate them into Tamil to be published in our magazine, Magaleer Kural (Women's Voice). The articles are very interesting, particularly the problems of women in Asia.

Please continue sending us copies. Thank you and warm regards.

Sincerely yours,

Ms. Burnad Fatlma N.
Society for Rural Education and
Development (SRED)
Kallaru, Perumuchi Village & Post
Arakkonam 631002 Tamil Nadu. I India

Tel.: 04177-708

Ed. note: We ore always glad to learn that our readers read and use the articles we publish in Women in Action. We are especially happy that our magazine reaches more than Just the English speaking community when it is translated in other languages. Please let us know if there are any specific themes that you would like us to feature in subsequent issues of the magazine.

Indigenous group in South Pacific 

Dear editor.

We recently learned of your publication, Women in Action. We are very interested in finding out where we can obtain copies for our library collection.

The Tonga Community Development Trust (TCDT) is an indigenous and nongovernmental development organization in the island kingdom of Tonga. It works to promote the development of the most disadvantaged persons and areas of Tonga. It is active in promoting self-reliant local development, assisting in the identification, development, planning and implementation of rural and outer island village-based development projects. Many of its projects involve training women at the grassroots level. TCDT is now expanding its focus to environmental issues in the South Pacific region.

Thank you for your time and assistance. We look forward to hearing from you soon. 


Elise McLaughlin

Environmental Planner
P.O. Box 519
Naku'alofa, Tonga, South Pacific 
Tel.: 23-478, 21-494

Fax: 24-04

Ed. note: We have included you in our mailing list. You will be receiving copies of Women in Action soon. 

Author's request 

Dear sisters,

I learned that you have included my book, 'The Roots of Heaven" in Women in Action. I am interested in receiving a copy of this particular Issue. At the same time, I would also like to request you to publish my change of address in your next issue of Women in Action.

After marriage, I left Calcutta and now live with my husband in one of the districts of West Bengal. I have completed a few interviews with indigenous midwives in the surrounding villages and am trying to work more closely with small women's groups and a welfare agency-cum-training center, the Elmhurst Institute of Community Studies which has been working in about 50 villages here over the last decade. 

Please keep in touch and thank you for publishing my new address.

Sincerely yours,

Arianne Loering

Post Box No. 16294
Sarat Bose Rd. P.O.
Caculatta 70029


Ed. note: We are sending you a copy of the issue you requested. We wish that we could have included the information that you have gathered about indigenous midwives in this issue of Women in Action, but would be interested in publishing it in the future.

From the Cordillera region, Philippines

Dear friends,

Greetings from the Kadaclan Tribe of the Cordillera!

We are interested in receiving information about your organization and how it can help a women's organization like us. We publish the Kadaclan News Organ and are sending you a copy. 

Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you soon.


Grace Chungalan 
Overall chairperson
Kadaclan Tribal Women
Revival Development
Barlig, Mountain Province

2623 Philippines

Ed. note: We are sending you information about our organization and will include you in our exchange publications list. 

Polish environmental network

Dear friends,


We got your address from The Women's Environmental Network. 

Our organization is called the Ecological Activities Movement in Poland and our work includes producing, processing and distributing healthy food and popularizing healthy ways of life. Our aim is to connect ecology with actual economic activities in our country. 

We have started a magazine focusing on the issue of ecology and other related environmental problems. We would like tO write about this issue in relation to women's problems not only in Poland but also throughout the world. In our country, many political and economical problems affect women. We hope that writing about these problems will help raise the consciousness of those who are directly involved in politics. 

We are looking for organizations which can help us gather articles and materials for publication in our magazine. Please send us some information about your organization and refer us to other groups who can assist us in our publication. 

Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours, 

Renata Kureil
Pro Eko Foundation
Zgierz 95-100
UL Sadoda 11A


Ed. note: Welcome to our network! We are sending you information about our organization and our quarterly magazine, Women in Action. Our theme for the last quarter issue of 1991 was women and environment. In this issue, we have included a directory of addresses of groups working on women and environment. You may wish to get in touch with them directly. We are interested in receiving a copy of your publication and would be pleased to exchange materials with your group.

Sacred Run 1992

Dear friends.

My name is Kimimila (Lakota for Butterfly) and I am writing to acquaint you with what promises to be an historic event scheduled for this summer and to ask for your support.

Sacred Run Turtle Island 1992 is a multicultural, international, spiritual, and environmental relay run following in the tradition of early Native American runners. Its purpose is to carry the message of the sacredness and Interconnectedness of all things.

This summer marks the 14th yearly running of the event and I am honored and proud to be participating as a Runner. Two teams, a northern one, starting in Alaska's Bering Straight (my team) and a southern one, beginning in Tierra del Fuego, South America, will converge on the weekend of October 8-9 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, culminating in a week of native celebrations to honor the "Year of the Indigenous Peoples."

I need your support. I would be honored if you, as an individual or organization, could help sponsor me in this momentous undertaking. The Sacred Run Foundation, national sponsor of the event, asks each participant (Runner) to contribute $1000 toward expenses for the four month run. In addition, I will need travel money, several pairs of good sturdy running shoes, and assorted camping equipment.

Any help, in the form of cash donations and/or goods would be greatly appreciated. Cash donations to Sacred Run Foundation, Inc. on my behalf are tax-deductible. Endorsements for you or your company are also available.

I am an athlete and a prayer warrior. 1 am running to carry a message of respect for all nations and their traditional beliefs. I want the world to see the sacredness of our earth and all the creatures who share it. I want our leaders to understand that it is people and the environment that come first, not the military to whom we are forced to give a majority of our tax dollars. Brute force will not bring peace, it only brings a "cease fire" in the game of war. American Indian ethics and values are a valuable resource for the development of harmonious culture and an end to war. When people come to realize this, we will have our greatest potential for peace.

Preserve life, don't destroy it. That is the essence of my commitment. That is why I must run. That is why I am appealing to you for help and support. Nothing less than saving the earth is what this is about.

Thank you for your time and your commitment. I look forward to hearing from you soon. I am enclosing a poem that I wrote.

Toward peace and understanding,

77 California Street #9
Ashland, OR 97520 USA

Tel.: (503) 482-7647

Ed. note: We ore commending your efforts and share your deep concern for all of us to value the earth. We are reprinting the poem you wrote on page 30. Good luck!