1993 Conference on Women, Family, And Human Rights

United Nations International Centre Vienna, Austria 14-15 January 1993

Sponsored by the International Women's Rights Action Watch (IWRAW) and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (the Women's Human Rights Convention)

The conference program will feature international panels of experts who will focus on various aspects of Convention Articles 9, 15 and 16 dealing with nationality, legal equality and marriage and family law.

For information, write or call to: IWRAW AVPPD, Humplirey Institute, 301 - 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN. 55455 USA. Fax: (USA) 612-625-6351.

5th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women

University of Costa Rica San Jose, Costa Rica 22-26 February 1993

Held every three years, the congress aims to bring together scholars and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines and areas of expertise, to share insights, experiences and research and to explore issues of importance to women throughout the world. 

The theme of the 5th congress is Search, Participation and Change. It suggests the search for new alternatives as well as the importance of full participation at all levels in order to move towards a better society.

Contact: Prof Mirta Gonzalez-Suarez, PRIEG - Escuela de Psicologia, Universidad de Costa Rica, Apdo. 2060, San Pedro, Costa Rica, Central America.

7th International Women and Health Meeting (IWHM)

13-17 September 1993 Makerere University Kampala, Uganda 

The objectives of the conference are:

1. strengthening the women's health movement in Africa;
2. updating on issues of international concern regarding women's health;
3. identifying local, regional and international strategies for action on women's health; and
4. sharing and exchanging skills and experiences.

Major conference themes include reproductive rights, global concerns for women's health, STDs, AIDS, social and economic factors affecting women's health.

For further information, contact Dr. Josephine Kasolo, coordinator, 7th IWHM, P.O. Box 1191, Kampala, Uganda. Tel.: 235 791