During the International Peace Festival in the Philippines (IPFP) which was held last 4 to 17 September 1991 at the University of the Philippines in Los BaƱos,Laguna, Philippines, a workshop on Socialism and Feminism sponsored by the Asian Women's Human Rights Council was held from 10 to 12 September.Following are the resolutions at the conclusion o f the three-day workshop.

Realizing that the oppression of women persists in varying degrees in all countries of the world,

While it is recognized that gains have been achieved by women in all countries where strong women's movements exist and in socialist countries, patriarchy still manifests itself in the family, in religion, in traditions and customs and in the economic and political structures,

Whereas the multiple oppression of women is determined by factors of class, gender, nationality, race and ethnicity, Recognizing that the "new world order'' has exacerbated the poverty and oppression of Third World women giving rise to new forms of slavery such as the sex trafficking of women.

Realizing that the bodies of women have become the raw materials for big business in their bid to amass more profits.

While this' 'new world order'' is slowly taking back the gains achieved by the women's movement in the First World through the cutbacks in budgets for women's support services, denial of women's reproductive rights, worsening unemployment and the feminization of poverty.

Whereas under this situation of worsening poverty, injustice and inequity, violence against women is intensified and continues to present itself in the home, the workplace, and in the society in general,

Recognizing that violence Recognizing that violence against women in the form of rape, incest, domestic battering, political repression and sexualized torture of women.

Realizing that in socialist countries in which substantial gains for women have been achieved through legislation and the provision of the state of support systems for women, socialization of housework and childcare, there is a noticeable trend towards bringing back women to the confines of the home and remolded within the patriarchal traditions and culture,

Whereas with the magnitude and persistence of problems and issues confronting them, women have organized and developed their own distinct movements dictated by conditions obtained in their respective countries,

While from this wealth of experience, the women's movement in the Third World has synthesized its vital and integral role in the struggle for national liberation while maintaining its distinct character,

Whereas the imperative for national liberation movements to carry as its own the agenda of women for liberation is slowly being recognized

Firmly believing that socialism remains a genuine alternative for the oppressed as long as it comprehensively addresses the issues of women,

Realizing that socialism is perceived as an important phase in bringing about women's liberation, it is likewise imperative for the women's movement to continue to protect the gains achieved for women and further push the goal of women's emancipation.

Noting with sadness, however, that sexism persists even within progressive and revolutionary movements which urges us to continuously challenge our brothers, and to a certain extent our sisters as well, to rid themselves of this. We would like to underscore the fact that even in international conferences of progressive movements such as the one we are holding today, sexual harassment and molestation of women happen,

With great courage and high hopes that we bring the women's agenda to this historical gathering of women and men from different parts of the globe.

Taking into account that peace is a noble goal for which every human being should strive, and,

Yet, cognizant that peace would remain an elusive goal for women, as long as the conditions for women's oppression exist and the particular women's problems are not addressed,

We, the participants of the International Peace Festival in the Philippines 1991:

1. Urge each other and every delegate to seriously take up the cause of women in every sphere of our lives: in our relationships, in our homes, in our workplace, and in our political work,

2. Urge socialist states to continue advancing the cause of women's emancipation by equally addressing concerns of women in the productive and reproductive spheres,

3. Call on our sisters to continue to build solidarity based on common issues even as we respect the particularity of each other's struggles because of our different cultures, historical conditions and experiences, and,

4. Call on all delegates to continue and build mutual support and solidarity and bring to completion the goals of women's emancipation and to continuously thwart any attempt at subverting whatever gains have been achieved by the women's struggle.

The IPFP conducted 36 workshops for the 169 foreign and 206 local delegates who attended the event. The workshop on Socialism and Feminism was geared specifically towards the needs of women, but other issues such as trafficking of women, women and children, ecology and development, the plight of the indigenous peoples were equally important to the women delegates.

It was recognized that the women's struggle is part of the broader struggle for global peace, justice and sovereignty among all the nations.

Source: Documents of the Peace Festival in the Philippines 1991. Publisher: BAY AN. IPFP '91 Proceedings, P.O. Box 190, 1099 Manila. Philippines. Telefax: (632) 999-437; 922-02-17