
Cecchini, Rose Marie.
Women's Action for Peace
and Justice: Christian, Buddhist
and Muslim Women
Tell their Story. Maryknoll, New
York: Maryknoll Sisters Press,

The author has been a Maryknoll sister since 1954 and has served in Japan, the Philippines and Italy. In this book she explores women's organizations in these countries, making the distinction between organizations primarily concerned with ' 'basic needs'' and those concerned with "equal human rights''. (Perhaps a more accurate distinction is between organizations started by poor women and those started by the middle and upper class.) The title of the book is a bit misleading, in that many of the organizations she explores do not find their motivation or their framework in religious doctrine and are influenced as such only as much as the women themselves are. However, the book's strength is that it provides women's personal stories about union and rural activities in the Philippines, women's rights groups in Japan, and Christian women's movements in Italy.

Klein, Renate; Raymond,
Janice; Dumble, Lynette.
RU486: Misconceptions,
Myths and Murals. Melbourne,
Australia: Spinfex Press,

The international debate concerning RU486 has too often been steeped in abortion hysteria existing in some countries, with the result that women are left with a dangerous lack of information. The authors seek both to reveal the doublespeak surrounding claims made about RU486 and to provide detailed, factual information about the drug. In addition to presenting well-documented research, they ask what is "private" about an abortifacient which requires several doctor visits, additional drugs and perhaps ultrasound. What is "safe" about a technique which often has complications such as severe bleeding and, in some cases. blood transfusions? They say, "The philosophy prevails that 'we' those who are committed to women's rights - must be for whatever 'they* - those who are not committed to women's rights, i.e. anti-abortionists - are against. This defense of RU486 has been too much defined by a reaction to the right wing." (p. 113) The authors write and research in the fields of science, medical ethics and women's studies, in Australia and the United States.

Partnoy, Alicia, ed. You can't
Droivn the Fire: Latin American
Women Writing in Exile.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, 1988.

' 'In memory of those/who were exiled from life/So they rest in peace/ their bones nurturing/their motherland,/ their souls nurturing/our fight" Alicia Partnoy gathered these writings of women exiled after 1970 in order to broaden cultural awareness, to dispel stereotypes about Latin American women, and to continue to inform an English speaking audience about the struggle against repressive regimes. Writers representing many countries of Latin America share their voice in testimonies, narratives, essays, poetry and letters. A selected bibliography is included.

Solidarity Against Poverty:
A Socialist Program from
Holland. Amsterdam, the
Netherlands: Evert Vermeer
Foundation, 1990.

The Evert Vermeer Foundation was created in 1967 when the Socialist Women and the Young Socialists of the Dutch Labour Party formed a body to raise funds for, and collect and disseminate information about. Third World issues. Over the years the Foundation has evolved into an action-oriented organization closely connected with the Dutch Labour Party. The authors of the book explore economic and social factors of poverty in an international context, examining the North-South power dynamic and, in doing so, offering ways to combat this structure. Their last chapter offers a detailed Strategy for the Nineties", beginning with the statement: "knowledge and power are the main weapons in the fight against poverty...". The global economic and social policy suggestions which follow have been endorsed by the Dutch Labour Party.

Task Force Detainees of the
Philippines. Truth and Freedom:
Understanding and
Teaching Human Rights, ed.
Reynaldo R. Ty. Manila, Philippines:
Human Rights Educaton
Program of the Task Force Detainees
of the Philippines, 1990

This book contains a collection of lectures given during Human Rights Courses held from 1987 to 1989 and sponsored by the Task Force Detainees- Philippines. Since 1986 . TFDP has determined to promote human rights education and training. The lectures include explorations of human rights in Philippine and international contexts, assessments of the debt situation and the Aquino government, and recognition's that fights for women's rights are fights for human rights. In addition, the editor provides an analytical framework for the study of human rights and includes several drafts of human rights legislation and convention papers.

Women and Water: Domestic
Shallow Well Water Supplies
- The Family
Handpump Scenario. Asian
Development Bank and United
Nations Development Programme, proceedings of regional
seminar, Manila, 29 August -1 September 1989.

Women are the water carriers and the main users of water as they provide food and clean environments for themselves and their families. These studies, carried out by the Asian Development Bank at the request of the United Nations Development Programme, investigate the feasibility of family hand-pumps in alleviating water crises in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines and Thailand. The studies were carried out under the government agency for women's affairs in each country and are among the first official research projects which begin to recognize women's primary role in water procurement and use. Included also are overviews of the situation in China and India and the role of NGOs in women's development projects.

Whose Trees?: A People's
View of Forestry Management.
Panos Institute: London,

The Panos Institute is an information and policy studies institute advocating sustainable development. This book is a collective effort to document forestry projects and the role of governments, development agencies and local people in these projects. Researchers (who are nationals of the respective countries) present reports on Sudan, Nepal and Tanzania. Funding was provided by the Finnish International Development Agency.


Reflexion. Published by
Fundacion EL TALLER.
Apartado Postal 1060, 43202-
Reus, Tarragona, Spain. Tel. (34-
77) 752352; Fax (34-77) 752645;
Telex 56908 COCIR.

An NGO journal published in Spain, Reflexion's fourth issue (October 1991) is on the topic, "Greening the Fading Grass: NGOs and the Environment" and includes authors from the Netherlands, Senegal, India, the Philippines and Poland.

Review of African Political
Economy. Published by
ROAPE Publications/PO Box
678/Sheffield SI IBF/UK Tel.
(0742)752671, Fax (0742)738214.

ROAPE intends to be a forum for all its readers and includes articles, briefings, critiques and details on works-in-progress. Articles in the July 1991 edition had topics such as the effects of the Gulf War, current African mining conditions and the people's role in energy use. Their editorial board members are from Africa and Europe, the United States and Canada.

Information Packet

ISIS International Information
Packet on Women and
Environment -1991.

Isis International Resource Center and Information Program has prepared an information packet on women and the environment which includes varied readings from women of the North and South. General topics include Eco-feminism, Effects of Environmental Degradation on Women, Environment and Development, Women's Actions and resource information . The thirty photocopies in a handmade paper folder are available from Isis International for five dollars (U.S.).

Conference Proceedings

"Empowering the Rural
Woman", Companion Readings
for the National Women's
Day Celebration; March
8,1991; Hibbard Hall, Silliman
Uni versity. Published by the
Center for Women Studies and
Development, Silliman University,
Dumaguete City, Philippines.

"Empowering the Rural Woman" is a collection of articles focusing on gender inequality and rural women, including fisher-women. Readings discuss ways of empowering Filipino women and bringing them into decision making.


The Singapore Woman, an
AWARE publication. Association
of Women for Action
and Research/Tanglin PO Box
244/, Singapore 9124 c.1988.

"This booklet is an effort by the Association of Women for Action and Research to take a snapshot of the Singapore woman as she is in the 1980s and a look at the challenges that lie ahead for her." Topics which are covered include education, work, law, arts and public life, in addition to listings of Singapore women's publications and organizations.


There has been much outcry about our economic predicament, but a shortage of ideas on how to get out of the doldrums. The two videos "The Debt Crisis - An Un-Natural Disaster'' (A copy is available at the Isis International Manila Resource Center) and "Carrying a Heavy Load", directed by Cynthia Wilmot, are lively, often humorous videos which show the origins of the debt. They make the connection between IMF/Vorld Bank structural adjustment policies and our day-to-day burdens. The videos encourage discussion about the debt problem, saying 'there has to be a better way...'.

Carrying a Heavy Load:
Structural Adjustment and
Caribbean Women

"Carrying a Heavy Load" speaks directly to women, who more than any, are feeling the squeeze as money drains from the social services.

With a cast of women, it uses an effective mix of performing styles: acting, frank talk, and Sistren's own Bev Hanson with D.J. dub. The lyrics in "Tighten yuh belt" rap out the problem in a catchy way. Women may sometimes' 'lose hope, but try to cope''. There is mention of creative strategies that women devise to confront the devastating consequences of the debt. When the D.J. rap moves to "come follow me, come follow me" it is not toward a simplistic recipe fora' 'better way''. It is rather a call for women to recognize their potential, the role they can play in questioning the current development path. Women are given a platform by which to share the difficulties they face in obtaining funds to manufacture, in getting access to credit, and in protecting their families' health. The ultimate goal is for women to make the links to national policies which we must challenge.

The Debt Crisis:
An Un-Natural Disaster

Since the video was launched in May, it has been shown in communities in the Caribbean and screened on national television. Radio call-ins make it clear that people want to have much more say in decisions being taken by politicians.

Responses to the video have been strong: "shocking but informative", "this debt business is dread, pure trickery", "distressing but challenging". Says Fleurette Blackwood of MEDA , ' 'We are told to produce for the domestic market, but it's not easy. Small manufacturers are well supported by the community but they are frustrated by restrictions placed by successive governments...if you try to produce on your own, it takes you so long, how do you feed your family in the meantime?"

Participants at ADA's public session on Debt called for changes in our attitudes and values. "It starts with the kiddies' lunch boxes" suggested one mother. " A child who brings callaloo and commeal dumplings for lunch is teased by others eating American apples and Pringles potato chips. It'sup to us to explain the consequences of foreign-mindedness to our youngsters."

Everyone agreed we need to reason more within our communities about alternative ways forward. As one group of women put it, "circle talk, circle talk.. .each one talk to one." Let us be confident that we can find "the other way".

Both videos are available from Association of Development Agencies (809-926-7114) or Social Action Centre (809-978-1646).

(Video reviews reprintedfrom Sistren, Vol. 13. My 1991, Jamaica.)

The section on Resources was prepared by Elizabeth Thomas.


issue on "Beyond White
Environmentalism: Minorities
and the Environment",
Jan/Feb 1990; 1525 New Hampshire
Ave NW, Washington D.C.
20036. Tel. (202) 745-4870.

Race, Poverty, and the Environment:
A Newsletter for
Social and Environmental
Justice, Ellie Goodwin, Editor
c/o Earth Island Institute, 300
Broadway, Suite 28, San Francisco
CA 94133-3312.

Toxic Waste and Race in the
United States, 1987 report by
the Commission for Racial Justice,
United Church of Christ,
105 Madison Ave, NY NY 10016
Tel. (212) 683-5656.

The Workbook, vol. 13, no. 3
July I Sept 1988, issue on "The
Importance ofCross-Cultural
Communication Between Environmentalists
and Land-Based People", by Linda
Taylor, Southwest Research and
Information Center, PO Box
4524, Albuquerque NM 87106.

Two "Ecofeminism" excerpts
from "Preliminary
Select Bibliography on
Women, Population and the
Environment", prepared by
Betsy Hartmann, M.J.
Maccardini and Natasha
Sakolsky October 1991. Population
and Development Program/
Hampshire College/
Amherst, MA 01002 USA Tel.
(413) 549-4600 ext.506.

The Minority Opportunities
Study, by Marcia T. Chen; The
CEIP Fund, Inc., 68 Harrison
Ave, Boston MA 02111-1907. Tel.
(617) 426-4375.

Healing the Wounds: The
Promise of Ecofeminism,
Judith Plant (editor), Philadelphia:
New Society Publishers,

To this text, Ynestra King submits a chapter entitled, "The Ecology of Feminism and the Feminism of Ecology." King tackles such issues as 1) the defining of ecology and ecofeminism, 2) the ecofeminist position on women, nature and culture (particularly exploring some of Simone de Beauvoir's work), 3)where feminism and ecology meet (here King attempts to draw the connections between the "domination of persons and the domination of nonhuman nature"), and 4)the concluding section, "Toward an Ecofeminist Praxis: Feminist Anti-militarism."

Rethinking Ecofeminist Politics,
Janet Biehl, Boston: South
End Press, 1991. Introduction and
Chapter I furnished by Z Magazine,
June 1990, pp. 66-71.

Addresses the relationship between ecology and feminism by specifically examining psycho-biological ecofeminism, social constructionist ecofeminism and ecofeminism and ethics. Two chapters discuss women's place in nature, the similarities of both women and nature as feminine and the woman-nature equation.