Since we announced that Isis International has moved to Asia, we hove been overwhelmed by the warm welcome end congratulations given to us by our sisters all over the world. We would like to thank all of you for the much-needed support you hove continued to provide us through all these years and look forward to the some in the coming years.

In this section, we feature just o sampling of the endearing notes coming from different regions which made the whole Isis International team in Manila fee! welcome and empowered to go on with our work for women's struggle each and every day. We look forward to your contributions to Women in Action and collaboration in other ways. We draw our inspiration and strength from you.

In sisterhood,

Isis International Manila Team

We were indeed very pleased to receive your letter that announced the opening of the Isis International office in the Philippines, and we Join you in the commitment to the empowerment of all women. With all the good wishes as you establish your contacts and develop your work in the Philippines.

Sincerely yours.
Sudarat S. Srisay
ElxecuUve Secretary
End Child ProsUtuUon in Asian Tourism (ECPAT)
P.O. Box 178. raong-chan
Bangkok 10240 Thailand

Warm greetings! We would like to congratulate and wish you well on the opening of your new office. We hope that your organization will be able to assist in energizing the women's cause all over the world. We wish you the best in your future undertakings.

With best wishes,
Ms. Maheswary Ramasamy
Project Officer, Gabungan Persatuan-Persatuan
Pengguna-Pengguna Malaysia
(Federation of Malaysian Consumers Ass'ns)
P.O. Box 1194, Jalan Pantal Baru,
Kuala Lumpur 59700 Malaysia

On behalf of the YWCA of Malaysia. I wish to congratulate Isis International on its relocation to Manila. The Women in Action magazine has helped us a great deal in understanding the plight of our sisters in other parts of the world. We look forward to your continued sharing of information with us.

With good wishes.

Ms. Rolla Lee
National General Secretary
Persatuan Weinita Keristian Malaysia
P.O. Box 10064
Kuala Lumpur 50704 Malaysia

We are happy to know that you have come closer to us in India. We can now look forward to exchanges of different kinds both at the Asian and global levels.

With warm regards.
Sucharita S. Eashwar
Executive Director, MADHYAM . .
59 Miller Road, Benson Town.
Bangalore 560 046 India

I hope that the work of Isis International will continue to grow and that all the hopes which you have for this new phase in the life and work of Isis International will come to fruition. I look forward to many more years of fruitful collaboration with you.

In sisterhood,
Rhoda Reddock
The University of the West Indies '
Department of Sociology, St. Agustlne
Trinidad, West Indies

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Isis International for its tremendous effort In opening its new office in Manila. I would like to assure you that you have our full support. We wish you the best of luck!

Yours in women's solidarity work.
S. N. Klylngl
Home Economics Association for Africa
P.O. Box 43844, Nairobi. Kenya

From all of us here in the Pacific Women's Resource Center, we send greetings of solidarity in the international effort for the forward advancement of women. Good luck and courage to the Isis International team in Manila.

Yours sincerely,
Jill Emberson
Women's Communication Officer
Pacific Women's Resource Bureau
South Pacific Commission
B.P. D5 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia

SPARC (Society for Promotion of Area Resource Centers) Is very keen to contribute to Isis International, and now that you are in the Philippines, it is like you are near home. We are in the process of finalizing many documents, many of which I hope will be useful to circulate and receive feedback. Could you help us with this? We especially need varied readership to give us feedback on our materials.

Welcome to Asia!

Yours truly,
Sheela Patel
Director, SPARC
Byculla Area Resource Center
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9389
Bombay - 400 026 India

We appreciate your kindness in informing us of the opening of your new office in Manila. We would like to congratulate you and wish you continued success!

Yours sincerely,
Sunita Pitamber
Assistant Editor
The Ahfad Journal: Women and Change
Published by : The Ahfad University for Women
Address: P.O. Box 167, Omdurman, Sudan

We appreciate your hard work of informing people about working women's struggle everywhere. We would like to know if you will print reports on such struggles in Bangladesh.

Ali Ahmed Ziauddin
Bangladesh Bhumihin Samity (BBS)
10/B Dilu Road, Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh

We hope that it is not too late to express our joy to share with you all the happy moments that filled the atmosphere on the occasion of your opening ceremony. Please accept our sincere congratulations on this happy occasion!

Ms. Mien Sugandhi President
Kongres Wanita Indonesia (KOWANl)
JL. Imam Bongol, No. 58 Jakarta, Indonesia

offices in Manila and share the excitement of planning and implementing future activities from Asia. Our warmth and good wishes are with you at this time and we wish you all the best.

Yours in sisterhood,
Sue Holland-Muter
AGENDA: A Journal About Women and Gender
P.O. Box 37432
Overport 4067 South Africa

To our dear friends in Isis, our heartiest congratulations and best wishes!

With kind regards,
Foo Gaik Sim, Interim Regional Director
International Organization of Consumers
Unions (I.O.C.U.)
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
P.O. Box 1045 Penang 10830 Malaysia

We congratulate you on the opening of the Isis International Manila office and facilities. We hope it will be very meaningful for women and women's movements in the region and we are positive that you will do a good job.

With warmest wishes.
Miyoko Shiozawa
Director, Asian Women Workers' Centre
2-3-18-34 Nishi-waseda
Shinjiku-ku, Tokyo 169 Japem

We w i s h to congratulate you on the occasion of the recent opening of your office in Manila and take this opportunity to convey our best wishes for the continuous and sustained inter-networking among women's organizations. We look forward to strengthening our links of collaboration with your active organization.

Yours sincerely,
M a r i a Angelica Ducci
Special Adviser on Women Workers' Questions
International Labor Organization Office
4 route des Morillons
CH-1211 Geneva 22 Switzerland

The Centre for Science and Environment is an independent research organization working in the field of environment. The Documentation Unit of the Centre is actively involved in collecting and disseminating information on environmental and developmental issues.

We have been regularly receiving, with great interest, the Women in Action magazine. It has been very useful and informative for the various research projects of the Centre. Thank you once again for sending us your magazine.

Yours sincerely,
Ms. N. Deepa
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
807 V i s h a l Bhawan, 95 Nehru Place,
New Delhi 110019 India
Postal Address: F-6, Kailash Colony,
New Delhi 110048 India

We are happy to receive the first Issue of Women in Action after your relocation to Manila. Now that Isis International is in this part of the world, we hope that in the future we would have more opportunities to share our experiences with you.

Tsang Gar Yin
Association for the Advancement of Feminism
8A, 444 Nathan Road
Kowloon, Hong Kong

We have been receiving Women in Action magazine for the past one and a half years. Our social workers read and think about each article published in your magazine. We arrange meetings and discussions about women's problems once a week. We think Women in Action gives us very useful information about the life of women and their problems.

We feel that we can do much collaborative work for women. We always welcome your help, which will give us more strength to fight for women and achieve solidarity.

Heartiest regards,
Salma Kayyumi
Mahila Vikas Prakalp
Revenue Colony: Behind New Ajantha Hotel
Godoli, Post M.I.D.C., SATARA 415004
Maharashtra, India