Isis International workers learn database management

Eight workers of the Isis International Team in Manila attended an in-house training in CDS-ISIS (Computerized Documentation System- Integrated Set of Information Systems) held from October 15 to 19, 1991. CDS-ISIS is a database computer program designed for the management of a non-numerical database. It was developed and distributed internationally by UNESCO. Currently it is a popular database program for institutions and organizations which maintain and develop huge volumes of data such as libraries and resource centers.

Isis International chose to use CDS-ISIS because it is designed to accommodate and arrange an unlimited variety of data yet is flexible enough to fit the specific needs of the Isis International programs.

Upon its installation and implementation all the programs shall maintain only one master file for the use of ISIS International programs: the Resource Center's human resources database, the Communication and Networking Program's Women in Action mailing list, the Health Networking Program's networking database and the Administration Program's day-to-day work. They shall store, sort, retrieve and output data using a unified database. In doing so, Isis International hopes to serve the needs of its extensive network of women faster, more easily and more efficiently.

Each program was represented in the training and these participants are expected to pass on training to the rest of the members of the program. All the workers will then work together to design and encode the unified database.

The training, designed and developed specially for the needs of Isis International, was conducted by Ms. Vina Pascua-Cruz, professor of Library Science from the University of the Philippines and president of the Philippines CDS-ISIS users' association.

Isis International in Santiago, Chile also uses the CDS-ISIS database program.

Isis International builds its human resources

by Belinda U. Calaguas

A Task Force Human Resource Development (TFHRD) was created by the Isis International Manila Coordinating Team last July to coordinate and oversee its planning and implementation of HRD activities. The Task Force is composed of Luchie Ticzon, Bel Calaguas, Belyn Arcilla, and Doms Anosan.

Since its organization, the TF-HRD ran a survey of the HRD needs of the workforce. This resulted in the identification of three major areas for human resource development: Feminist Education, International and General Education, and Work-related Skills Training. In compliance with the results of the survey, the TF-HRD organized the following education and training sessions for Isis International workers: Gender Sensitivity Workshop, International Political and Economic Situation, Project Development with a Women's Perspective, National Political Situation, and two Feminist Organization Development (FOD) sessions.

The Task Force also recommended the participation of Isis International workers in the International Peace Festival in the Philippines and the People's Diplomacy Training where international issues such as peace, environment sustainable development, indigenous people's rights and women's rights were discussed. Task force members also ensure that key activities and conferences attended by any worker are echoed to other workers and reflected upon.

To provide a channel for regular updates and communication of Task Force Human Resource Development plans, the TF-HRD also publishes The Isis Brew. The newsletter carries news on TF-HRD plans and recommendations. It also features reflections of Isis International workers on HRD activities, training's and fora they have attended. Two issues have been published for August and September. The slogan of The Isis Brew says it all for the task of the TF-HRD: "Make the pot of our ideas brew the potion of sisterhood."

The term of the Task Force ends in December. At that time the team will evaluate its work and submit an HRD plan for next year. Its goal is to integrate its tasks into the regular organizational structure of Isis international. Present members may choose to continue working in Human Resource Development, upon approval at the Workers' Assembly.