On International Women's Day 1989,
WOMANKIND, a new British
women's organization was established
to support and fund women's activities
in developing countries.WOMANKIND's
objectives are to "promote greater understanding of women and
development issues, emphasizing the need for sustainable growth
strategies which do not lead to environmental and
social degradation."
WOMANKIND is breaking new
ground by raising funds for new self-
help organizations and innovative, pilot
projects for women in the Third World.
Small grants will be given to support
both the urgent, short-term needs and
long-term projects of women in developing
countries. Environmental improvement programs to
address the problems of environmental degradation
will be an important part of WOMANKIND's
funding efforts.
Anyone wishing to learn more about
WOMANKIND should contact:
Linda McDonald or Kate Young
122 Wliitechapel High Street
London, EI7PT, United Kingdom
Telephone: 01-247-6931.