From May 2 to 28 the fourth International Women's Film Festival will lake place in Buenos Aires. This will also include the third Shorts and Video Competition (for Argentine women) and the third showing of Latin American shorts. The festival has several objectives:

The firsti s to spotlight films of outstanding cinematographic value which have been made by women and which add (or contribute) to the feminine viewpoint.

The second is to provide an opportunity for Latin American film-makers to get together and the necessary space for the selected films to be shown. The organizers have announced that all films made since the January 1,1987 which have not been included in previous film festivals can take part.


The first two Festivals took place in Mar del Plata in 1988 and 1989; the third took place in Buenos Aires in April 1990. One of the most interesting features of this event is that from the start directors and actresses came from all over the world to present their films in person. Women sue h as Margarette von Trotta, Pilar Miro, Vera Chytilova, Valeria Sarmiento, and actresses such as Dominique Sanda, Claudine Auger and Lola Herrera. This Festival, which has become the most important gathering of Latin American women involved in film making, is sponsored by the Argentine Film Institute. Beatriz Villalba Welsh is the President and on the Board of Advisors are women of the standing of Maria Louisa Bemberg, well known for both her work in films ("Camila") and for her defense of Latin American cinema in international events such as the Venice Film Festival.

Any film-makers interested in taking part can get enrollment forms at Lavalle 1578, 9"B", (1044) Buenos Aires, Argentina. Forms sent with a copy of the film or video will be accepted for the Festival until the March 1,1991.