Women have really started to get organized in the field of ecology. This can be seen by the number of meetings there have been over the last year dealing with environmental issues.

If you were not able to attend and are interested in finding out more about them, write for information from these recent meetings:

  • Women's Contribution to Implementing Forestry Action Plans, El Salvador, January, 1990. CEFEMINA, Apdo. 5355-KXX), San Jose, Costa Rica.
  • First Conference for Asia and Pacillc Women's Environmental Network, January, 1991. Contact: Philippines Women's University, Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines.
  • Fourth Conference of the Latin American Network for Social Ecology, December, 1990, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Contact: Casilla de Correo 130(X), Montevideo 117(X), Uruguay.
  • Women and Environment Management: Values, Attitudes and Perceptions, November, 1990, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Contact: B. Wilkes, NICR, P.O. Box 3579. Smithees, B.C. VOJ 2N0 Canada.
  • Women, Environment and Development, November 1990, New York,US A. Contact: Women's Foreign Policy Council, 1133 Broadway, Suite 924, New York, NY 10010, USA.
  • Women and Management of Natural Resources, September 1990, San Jose, Costa Rica. Contact: CEFEMINA, Apdo. 5355-1000, San Jose, Costa Rica.
  • Women and Environment at the Grassroots Level, July, 1990, Kampala, Uganda. Contact: P.O. Box 72, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Women, Environment and Development, April, 1990. Contact: EEC Post Bag No. 4, New Delhi 110066, India.
  • First African Women's Seminar on Sustainable Development, 1989, Harare, Zimbabwe. Contact: P.O. Box 72, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Women and Environment, OECD/DAC, 1989 Paris, France. Contact: 94 rue Chardon-Lagache, 75016, Paris, France