During the first days of the Meeting a Workshop was held on "Documentation Centers of Latin America and the Caribbean" coordinated by Lucy Krauss from CIDHAL. The initial proposal included the possible creation of a Network. But after two meetings the workshop decided this was premature given the many different themes, the varying levels of technology and human resources and the different users of each Documentation Center. Participants decided to maintain informal contact between Centers.

So, while keeping in mind the future possibility of a Network, it was proposed we should publish a collection of unedited articles on a specific theme in which all the Centers could collaborate. The publication would be of rotating responsibility and financed by one of the Centers as a contribution by the Documentation Centers to the Feminist Movement. The first theme would be abortion, and GRECMU of Uruguay would be in charge of it.

Another piece of information given by the coordinator of the workshop was the future publication, in 1991, of a Directory of Documentation Centers, financed by the "Instituto de la Mujer" (Women's Institute) in Spain. This publication was approved at the Fourth International Feminist Book Fair in Barcelona in 1990. This Directory will contain basic information, that is: the name of the Documentation Center; the year it was founded; its address; history; funding; and its computer system and programs.