When in the late 50s ,tourists trickled into the valleys and crevasses of the Kingdom of Nepal, few could have estimated the environmental impact. While the brisk tourist trade which followed has sent the economy spiraling upward, it has also wrought havoc on the very center of tourists' attractions.

In their efforts to meet demands for "adequate" shelter, heat and food, the Nepalese are killing their forests, inviting floods and landslides. The waste and human refuse which line the centuries-old trails reflect foreigners' contempt for a land they come in awe of. And the ever encroaching cities, burgeoning with Nepalese eager to capitalize .on tourist dollars, also contribute to the growing environmental pollution.

Women in Environment arose out of this crisis. Through action programs, research projects and environmental education, WE is working to heighten environmental awareness among the Nepalese. Last year, along with a number of local government and non-governmental organizations, WE organized a national seminar, 'The Role of Women in Environmental Conservation."

Through its cooperation with other environmental and women's groups WE is organizing around the issues of development activities, overgrowth of population, increasing urbanization, deforestation and the overuse of vehicles and their impact on nature.

WE is made up of a cross-section of Nepali professional society, including doctors, lawyers, naturalists and environmentalists.

WE is trying to build a network of women's environmental groups globally and is searching for new contacts and resources.

For more information, write to:
Women in Environment
P.O. Box 4851 Radhakuti Arcade
Third floor, Ramshah Path
Kathmandu, Nepal