12-17 February 1994 Bangkok, Thailand

A global conference on Women Empowering Communication is being organized by The World Association for Christian Communication (WACO and jointly co-sponsored by Isis International Manila and International Women's Tribune Center (IWTC) with local host Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.

The conference which is open to representatives of women's groups involved in communication and networking; women working in the alternative and mass media; academics and researchers interested in the theme expects the participation of some 400 women from all over the world.

The program line up includes: keynote speeches from internationally known women communicators and community leaders; communication models of innovative approaches; showcases of print, video and film productions; working group discussions and case studies on subthemes; drama, dance or cultural presentations; field trips to visit local women's groups; and regional and network meetings.

The conference themes are:

  • Women, Media and Power - Media economics, access and right to communicate, soap operas and women's roles, media and violence, advertising, pornography, media employment, monitoring media.
  • Women and Communication Alternatives - Alternative strategies, publishing, radio, video, press services, arts, indigenous communication forms, networking, resource centers.
  • Women, Communication and Development - Development communication strategies, health and environment communication, literacy, media and tourism, the UN Decade, communication policies, new technology, training, research, communication education.
  • Women, Communication and Sociocultural Identity - Tradition, pop culture, language, religious heritage, ecumenical dialogue, feminist theology, consumerism, media awareness, intercultural communication.

The venue is Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, a vast complex fairly close to Bangkok airport.

A regular registration fee of US$ 250.00 will cover all meals, conference kit, field trip and shuttle from the airport. Reasonable room rates for single, twin, or four-bed occupancy will be announced later.

Post conference workshops will be offered for 1-1/2 days immediately following the conference on 18-19 February. These will be on special skills and interests such as Desktop Publishing, Women's Publications, Women's Theater, Print Marketing and Distribution. Final topics will be listed later. A post conference workshop registration fee of US$ 60.00 includes meals and workshops materials.

Interested participants should write or call: World Association For Christian Communication 357 Kennington Lane, London SE11 5QY, England, Tel. no.: (44) 71 582 9139; Fax :(44) 71 735 0340.